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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

kebosanan di kala siang, tubercolosis

haha . !
what so exciting la today im not in ward 8B but in 'klinik dada'
yeah !
entah ape ntah yg best sangat hohakxx .
bese jew pun . maybe dapat 'release tension' kerja sikit kowt 
in clinicc ,
damnn .. perhh! bapak boring gile gaban la !
sangat tertekan !
my brain was stroke 4 awhile . !
haha = D
since pagi, nobody teach us what to do . . we just going on ourself feet .
erkk . ok . chill out .
hurm , ade la sekejap sister nurse oriented kitorang bout the clinic .
fine . : )
lalala ...
4llow staff nurse, dgr doctor bercakap-cakap dengan patients bout her/his disease
maen cop.cop .
koyakkan kertas .
susun fail .
melepak .
melepak .
melepak .
tertidur -_-

ni la contoh coretan aku dikala kebosanan .
oh yeah . i wanna share something with you guyss =)
what a kind of organisms is it ?!
penyakit tubercolosis or TB ni penyakit yang disebabkan oleh bakteriia tubercle Bacilli
selalunya die serang paru-paru melalui udara.
you guys know what, tiap kali pesakit TB batuk, dia akan mengeluarkan beribu-ribu kuman TB .
erk ! yikes ! (hehe)
therefore ! patient tu kene la pakai mask 4 protect himself/herself and other figure around him/her
and what im so shock . .is...
tB ni attack organ lain jugak woo .
macam : kulit, tulang, otak, ovary and so on laa .
dulu time kecik3, korang mesti dapat suntikan BCG kan..
korang tawu x untuk ape ? 
mmg r 4 defence our body .
but defence from what ?
ha .. 4 dangerous tubercolosis disease oo . (meningitis tubercolosis)
sebab budak kecik kan. sistem immun die tak berape power .
so we need another power to fight patogens ! erk !!
BCG ni boleh cover hingga umur kita 15 tahun .
after that, BCG kong . so kene la cari antibodi lain and time tu pun sistem immune kite insyaALLAH da cukup kuat if sihatt : )
 lagi nak bebel, cahaya matahari boleh membunuh 75% kuman TB ni : )
so specially pagi tu jangan tutup tingkap, pintu .. 
bukak seluas-luasnya for good ventilation and decreased the risk of TB infections .

penyakit TB ni BOLEH sembuh ! dengan syarat makan ubat ! never miss it for 6 months, 4llow up treatment, makan makanan yg berkhasiat .insyaALLAH boleh sembuh .
kita sebagai manusia perlulah berusaha dalam ape jua hal. bertawakal, dan berdoa ..
 ALLAH yang akan menentukan segalanya >,<
hurm tu je kowt nak bebel ..
see yeah ^_^

this info i got from TB pamplet and staff nurse veniee (kalau tak silap namanya) hehe
thankss staff nurse coz spending a little time for sharing knowledge with us

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